Will AI Replace Your Job?

Khuram Niaz
3 min readJun 24, 2024

Over the last few years, the development of artificial intelligence has been impressive, and this has caused much debate on the impact if will have on the employment sector.

The question of whether AI will replace your job is not simple, as it is important to look at how AI affects different fields, the types of work that can be automated, and more.

Definition of AI & Automation

Some of the solutions that AI thrives on include pattern recognition, analysis of large data and repetitive work. Other advantages of Machine learning include the ability to outcompete human processes in the analysis of large data sets.

Robots and automation systems can handle physical tasks effectively and efficiently. This capability makes AI most appropriate for particular class of jobs, in particular the ones that are repetitive in nature.

Jobs Most at Risk

  1. Manufacturing and Production: Repetitive tasks such as in assembly lines are highly likely to be automated as much as possible. These are the tasks that robots can do better and with less variations.
  2. Customer Service: AI chatbots and virtual assistants are performing customer service increasingly, thus reducing the human being’s customer service agents’ input.

