Will AI Replace Your Job?

Khuram Niaz
3 min readJun 24, 2024


Over the last few years, the development of artificial intelligence has been impressive, and this has caused much debate on the impact if will have on the employment sector.

The question of whether AI will replace your job is not simple, as it is important to look at how AI affects different fields, the types of work that can be automated, and more.

Definition of AI & Automation

Some of the solutions that AI thrives on include pattern recognition, analysis of large data and repetitive work. Other advantages of Machine learning include the ability to outcompete human processes in the analysis of large data sets.

Robots and automation systems can handle physical tasks effectively and efficiently. This capability makes AI most appropriate for particular class of jobs, in particular the ones that are repetitive in nature.

Jobs Most at Risk

  1. Manufacturing and Production: Repetitive tasks such as in assembly lines are highly likely to be automated as much as possible. These are the tasks that robots can do better and with less variations.
  2. Customer Service: AI chatbots and virtual assistants are performing customer service increasingly, thus reducing the human being’s customer service agents’ input.
  3. Data Entry and Analysis: AI systems are able to work on data faster than people and become a threat to those job that involve data input and first analysis of information flows.
  4. Transportation: Self-driving cars and drones are already in the process of revolutionising the way people transport themselves and goods. Special attention should be paid to long-haul trucking and delivery driving sectors as they are more exposed to the risks.

Jobs Less at Risk

  1. Creative Professions: Some professions like artists, writers, and designers are not very prone to full automation. AI can help but cannot substitute the creative process.
  2. Healthcare: Rather, AI must supplement the doctors, nurses, and caregivers whose judgment, empathy, and complex decision-making are irreplaceable in the health sector.
  3. Education: In one’s personal opinion, teaching requires elements such as interpersonal communication, guidance, and flexibility, which are quite difficult for AI to mimic.
  4. Complex Problem Solving: Decision making and problem solving responsibilities that involve strategic planning are unlikely to be taken over by artificial intelligence.

The Transformation of Work

AI does not eliminate jobs but instead alters them in most cases. It can perform repetitive tasks and thereby free up the human workforce to attend to more complex exercises that require skills such as analysis, innovation, and empathy.

For example, in healthcare, AI can read the patients’ images and give doctors the opportunity to focus on the patients.

In finance, AI is capable of performing the routine work of transactions and other sundry tasks in order for the analyst to carry out specific tasks.


At the same time, the development of AI leads to the appearance of new jobs. AI systems’ creation and management process involve highly technical professionals, for instance, data scientists, AI experts, and machine learning engineers.

Moreover, there are new positions in industries linked to the development of AI technology, which creates new occupations.

Societal and Economic Considerations

It is therefore evident that the inclusion of AI in the workforce comes with several societal and economic implications.

Job loss is always a possibility and becomes more worrying when one is in an occupation that is vulnerable to automation. It can result in amplified rates of economic disparity in the society when not well addressed.

Therefore, the need for reskilling and upskilling is paramount. Employees are now required to engage in courses that will assist them to prepare for new jobs or companies, and organizations, colleges, and governments should fund these programs.

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