Bitcoin’s Ripple Effect

Khuram Niaz
4 min read6 days ago


Image by Jaydeep Joshi from Pixabay

How One Coin Shapes the Entire Crypto Market

Bitcoin, which is the world’s first digital currency, has always occupied a significant share of the total market for cryptocurrencies. It was created back in 2009 by an unknown person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

For many years, Bitcoin has remained the market leader which is viewed as the benchmark by which other digital currencies are measured. In this piece, the author seeks to unveil what makes Bitcoin so influential in the entire market of cryptocurrencies.

The BTCD index can be calculated by dividing Bitcoin’s market cap by the market cap of all other cryptocurrencies. For example, if Bitcoin’s market cap is $1 trillion and the total crypto market cap is $3 trillion, its dominance would be 33.33%, accounting for a third of the entire crypto market’s value

Bitcoin is globally recognized as the first cryptocurrency to lay the groundwork for the rest of the market. It pioneered the use of blockchain technology, which provided the foundation for the creation of thousands of other altcoins.

This history makes Bitcoin dominant even to this date. It is the most popular and recognized form of digital currency and is often referred to as cryptocurrency in general.

Such historical prestige makes Bitcoin a constant point of reference when assessing investor sentiment regarding the entire market.

Market Capitalization and Dominance

Among all the cryptocurrencies currently in existence, Bitcoin remains the market leader in market capitalization. This dominant position implies that when the price of Bitcoin fluctuates, other cryptocurrencies follow suit.

Many altcoins tend to move in tandem with Bitcoin’s price when the latter undergoes large price fluctuations.

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This is because, first, Bitcoin has a large market share; at the time of writing this paper, its market capitalization is a significant proportion of the market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies.

Thus, Bitcoin can significantly affect market conditions and investors’ actions within a short period.

Relationship between Investor Sentiment and the Safe Haven Status

To many investors, Bitcoin is a relatively safe and secure investment in the unstable world of digital currencies. This makes it compared to other cryptocurrencies, a relatively stable choice since it has already proven itself and is known to many.

This perception of safety exposes Bitcoin to swings in price together with influential news on its regulation or advancements in technology.

Currently, Bitcoin has the highest supply relative to demand making it easy to trade large volumes of it without a notable effect on the market prices.

This high liquidity is desirable for the market because it helps to reduce the disruptions present in the market system. Some altcoins are less liquid and therefore are much more volatile in their prices than the major cryptocurrencies.

Hence, the stability of the bitcoin price means that the increased market steadiness affects other cryptocurrencies trading behaviour and their price.

Image by portald from Pixabay

Experience suggests that fluctuations in the Bitcoin price are often seen as a leading indicator of the same fluctuations in the rest of the cryptocurrency market. This pattern holds because most cryptos are traded against Bitcoin, and not fiat currencies by default.

Altcoins’ prices often drop in proportion to the increase in Bitcoin’s price; this phenomenon influences the trading dynamics of the BTC market. On the other hand, when the price of Bitcoin drops, other cryptocurrencies may see higher trading volumes due to shifts or diversification.

Such relations make sure that every move of Bitcoin is keenly looked at by investors in other forms of digital currencies.

Any events or decisions made by the regulatory authorities can potentially influence Bitcoin and in general, the cryptocurrency market.

Since Bitcoin is the first and most dominant cryptocurrency to date, it usually receives the brunt of regulatory attention. Fluctuations in its legal tender status, taxation, and trading laws can affect how other cryptocurrencies are categorized and regulated.

Thus, something as simple as a country deciding to outlaw or limit Bitcoin can lead to a general crackdown on cryptocurrencies, regardless of the impact on global sentiment and price.

“Let me know your thoughts on the dominance of Bitcoin in the comments.”

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